Friday, June 10, 2011

Officially full of Blarney - Blarney Castle

A medieval stronghold near Cork Ireland, built over 600 years ago is Blarney Castle. The story begins with a magical stone, its origins shrouded in mystery. One legend says it was the rock that Moses struck with his staff to produce water for the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. Another legend relates that it had once been Jacob’s Pillow and that the prophet Jeremiah had brought it to Ireland. According to this telling it became the Lia Fail, or ‘Fatal Stone’ and was used as an oracular throne of the Irish kings.

First thing we found was the dungeon. It was a long, dark, cold, wet tunnel that went 20 feet into rock. We could not stand up in the tunnel and wondered how long people would be able to endure living in such conditions.

The tower outside the main castle.

According to legend, kissing the Blarney Stone endows the kisser with the gift of eloquent speech. The difference between being full of baloney is blatient lies compared with being full of blarney which is telling the varnished truth. So the whole family kissed the Blarney stone.

The top of the castle looking down. The rock along the edges once held the flooring.

One of the favorite spots is the poison garden. All the plants were named and a few were isolated in enclosed areas. I did wonder of how safe I would feel being invited to dinner.

There was a short walk to Blarney House. Many fascinating cars, trees, animals and parks were placed around this area. Many streams surrounded this area with hidden gardens and even a tennis court hidden in a maze of bushes.

After visiting the castle, Blarney Woolen Mills was a short walk away. Shopping, shopping and more shopping. There was an entire section of Celtic jewelry. We ate at a delightful tea room with free Wi Fi (most important when you don't have internet)

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