Thursday, March 8, 2012

Misfat al Abreen, Oman

Misfat is a living story of rugged mountains turned into a green oasis .

Al Misfat’s buildings are characterised by old high-rising structures that go up to the height of four floors. They were built on rocks and mountain slopes.

People still live in these houses and tourists are taken back in history when they hear voices from these buildings. Above is hanging water containers. Below is grains drying,

We stumbled on an area where only ladies were allowed.

The area was for ladies to wash themselves and the families clothes.

The people of the village keep customs and ancient traditions, and respect visitors to the village. And it is no wonder that visitors are often invited by the village shaikh for coffee.

The Falaj al Misfat, characterised by long-winding canals, is the 1274181154815414200sole source of drinking water for man and animals and for irrigation of crops in the area. The pond in the midst of the mountain is used by people for swimming.

Locals using donkeys to help with chores.

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