Saturday, September 11, 2010

Connor starting Kindergarten

My little Connor started kindergarten this month. We spent the day before making banana bread for his class. His first day of school they made Lavender wands to use in his classroom. Not only does it smell good, it helps keep the pain away from the "ouwees". The evening held a meeting of the teachers. Each teacher dressed up in costume and did an improv of what their plans were for the upcoming year. Waldorf schools are so inspiring.


  1. How can you possibly be sending a child off to kindergarten that wasn't even around the day the fence blew down? Love your blog, thanks for keeping us up to date. Jim

  2. The fence blew down so a friendship could be built. What wonderful and cherished friends we made:) I'm so happy we were able to know the fun and kind Jim that Regina loves so much. You guys should visit. We could have a game night.... Matt promises not to throw an ice cream cup:)
