The most southern tip of India is an island named Sri Lanka, a predominately Bhudist culture. In the background is one of the oldest religious monuments called a stupa, usually used to cover a relic of the Buddha.

One of the many statues of Buddha. There is a sign that states "Please do not take your picture with your back to Buddha."

Cow's corner. Here, the cows direct the traffic.

The remains of an ancient rock palace.

The Royal Palace was built of wood and rock and once stood seven stories tall.

The kings bath

An ancient building with a small stupa in the middle surrounded by pillars. The stone pillars of the building resemble the stem of a lotus and a creeper. In the middle of the building is a seat of stone which resembles a lotus in full bloom.

The Lion's Rock in Sigiriya is a large stone and palace ruin.

On the rock, frescos were painted on the walls.

A beautiful view from the Sigiriyan rock.

The final entrance to the rock palace, had lions paws. Before modern times, you would have to walk through the lion's mouth to enter the palace.

At the foot of the stairs, the rainbow rock is called a moon stone at the circular house of relics.

Another view from on the top of Sigiryan mountain.

Little village

laying budhha

Budhist Monistary that is carved into the rock and built the building

Budha Shrine in Kandy. The home of Budha's tooth relic.

Sri Lankin Wedding Party

Vegetable Market

locals picking tea leaves

non-local picking tea leaves

Tamil village in tea country. Tamil people were imported by the British to pick the tea leaves.

Local boys

Waterfall Outsid eof Kandy

Southern coast of Sri Lanka beach view

Beautiful beaches and blue waters

My husband says this looks more like a postcard than him taking this one.


Room in Galle Fort. Dutch Fort, formers printer's mansion

Galle beach wedding. red

Yet another beautiful beach photo.

Inside Galle fort. Note the top of the building. The Dutch building has been converted into a mosque.

The Sri Lankins have knock offs from popular fast food restaurants such as Indian Hut = Pizza Hut, Subrounds = Subway

Matt outside of Galle fort putting his little toes in the nice warm Indian Ocean.

Ramp parts of the Galle Fort

Remains of the 2004 Tsumani. Damage of the southwestern part of the island. Many Many houses destroyed and haven't been rebuilt.